You have more power to make a difference to local healthcare than you realize, when you leave a charitable gift in your Will. Leaving even a small portion of your estate to charity can result in a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible, while still supporting those you love. In short, you can do both!
QCH Foundation has partnered with Will Power, a national effort to show Canadians the power they have to do more with their Will. Being aligned with Will Power provides our donors with access to important tools and resources to assist with estate planning – including the free and easy to use legacy calculator. Please visit the QCH Foundation Will Power page for more information.
You may be surprised to see that even 1% left to QCH Foundation in your Will can have an enormous impact on local healthcare and our hospital, while still leaving 99% of your estate for loved ones.
There are many benefits to giving in this way, including some potentially significant tax savings. If you have questions about leaving a gift for QCH Foundation in your Will or would like to discuss how to maximize your donations – please contact Nadine Fowler, VP Philanthropy, QCH Foundation – nfowler@qch.on.ca or by phone at 613-721-4731.