Inspirational Stories QCH Foundation ottawa

Celebrating Our QCH Nurses

Queensway Carleton Hospital was proud to recognize the amazing team during National Nursing Week (May 6 to May 12, 2024). Over 900 extraordinary individuals make up our nursing team. These include RNs, RPNs, care facilitators, clinical nurse educators, advanced practice nurses, clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, clinical managers — supported by an amazing and dedicated interprofessional team.

Last week, members of the team enjoyed the annual Nursing Week Gala, a BBQ lunch, unit game celebrations and a vendor marketplace.

Nursing Week 2024 Photos!

With gratitude to our generous community, we have medical devices and equipment that provide nurses with fast, accurate results right at our patient’s bedside. There are new treatments and medications that improve recovery time and help patients head home sooner. At every step, nurses contribute to these advancements in treatments, technologies, and patient care. Their commitment to learning and adapting will shape the future of healthcare in our community.

QCH Foundation donors have helped provide the tools and the training to build an environment of compassion and respect at Queensway Carleton Hospital that extends from inside the walls and out into the community. Thank you!

If you would like to make a donation in support of Nursing at QCH, please click here.